It takes a lot of commitment, patience, and time to lose weight. Sometimes, despite your greatest efforts, you are unable to reach the required goals. And then the question arises in your mind: Why don’t I lose weight despite exercising and following my Dietary plans.
Health professionals believe that certain imbalances between activity and diet may be the primary cause of weight loss failure. However, some lifestyle changes that are simple to adjust can also account for the weight-loss plateau.
What is Weight-loss Plateau?
When you temporarily stop losing weight, this is called a weight loss plateau.
People may begin to lose weight steadily when they stick to a diet and exercise routine. However, many people experience a weight reduction plateau, in which they maintain the same weight despite doing exercise and making dietary changes.
When people reach a weight reduction plateau, they may become frustrated, which may lead them to give up on their weight loss strategy.
Most people are aware of the fact that in order to lose weight, they must burn more calories than they consume. However, a lot of additional elements, such as environmental, hormonal, and behavioural factors, also have an impact on weight reduction.
According to research, weight loss plateaus occur after roughly 6 months of low-calorie dieting.
Although doctors don’t fully understand why weight reduction plateaus happen, some possibilities include:
• The body adjusts to weight reduction and fortifies itself against additional loss of weight.
• After a few months, people cease to adhere to their diets.
• Rapid weight loss results in a slow metabolism.
Why don’t I lose weight despite Exercising?
Here is the list of 15 typical explanations for your question: Why don’t I lose weight despite Exercising.
1. You are Stressed
According to studies, lowering stress levels can aid in weight loss. Researchers monitored two groups of obese persons in one study. The second group just received guidance, while the first received both advice and took part in a stress management program.
The BMI of the participants in the second group was significantly lower than that of the participants in the first group.
The following were some of the stress reduction techniques used in that study:
• diaphragmatic breathing
• guided meditation
• progressive muscular relaxation
2. You Don’t eat enough Fiber
According to studies, Americans only consume nearly half the daily recommended amount of fiber.
Even less fiber is consumed by those who are on low carbohydrate diets.
The high fiber content of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes may benefit persons who have hit a weight loss plateau.
A person can improve their intake of fiber by making simple adjustments, such as swapping a daily glass of juice for a whole fruit.
People’s risk of obesity and other preventable diseases may be reduced by eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
The high fiber and water content of vegetables may make people feel full and less inclined to overeat or choose foods that are low in nutrients.
3. Your sleep pattern is disturbed

According to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, getting an adequate amount of sleep each night increased weight loss results.
Contrary to those who slept for 7-9 hours each night, those who slept for fewer than 6 hours every night experienced less change in waist circumference. Increasing the quantity and quality of sleep could help someone overcome a weight loss plateau.
4. Your protein intake is insufficient
Protein is a crucial food for weight loss. Consuming protein at a rate of 25–30% of daily calories can increase metabolism by 80–100 calories while also causing you to naturally consume several hundred less calories. Additionally, it can significantly lessen cravings and the need to snack.
Be sure to eat a lot of protein when you are having breakfast. According to studies, people who eat a high-protein breakfast have decreased hunger and experience less cravings later in the day.
Additionally, a high protein diet can help prevent metabolic slowdown, which is a common side effect of weight loss. Furthermore, it aids in preventing weight loss again.
5. You consume too many calories
Many people who struggle to lose weight simply consume too many calories.
Even though you might not think this applies to you, studies regularly show that individuals greatly underestimate how many calories they consume.
Try weighing your food and keeping track of your calories for a while if you are having trouble losing weight.
In most cases, it is not necessary to weigh everything and monitor calories for the rest of your life. Instead, experiment with these methods for a few days once or twice a year to get a sense of how much you’re consuming.
6. You don’t practise both Cardio and lifting weights

Exercise that involves resistance, such as lifting weights, is one of the most crucial things you can do to lose weight. If you don’t exercise, your muscle mass burns along with body fat.
Hence, lifting weights can ensure you maintain it. Additionally, lifting weights can help maintain a healthy metabolism and a lean, muscular body.
Any exercise that raises your heart rate is considered cardiovascular exercise, commonly referred to as cardio or aerobic exercise. It involves exercises like cycling, swimming, and jogging. It is one of the best methods for enhancing your health. Additionally, it works wonders at reducing belly fat.
Therefore, your exercise should include cardio as well as lifting weights.
7. You don’t limit your intake of Carbohydrates
A low-carb diet may be something you want to think about if you have a lot of weight to shed and/or if you have a metabolic disorder like type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes.
Beyond just helping you lose weight, low-carb diets improve a variety of metabolic indicators, including blood sugar, HDL (good) cholesterol, and triglycerides, to mention a few.
However, remember there are two types of carbohydrates- good carbs and bad carbs.
Good carbs such as unprocessed or minimally processed whole grains, vegetables, fruits and beans are complex carbohydrates that promotes a healthy digestive system and metabolism.
Bad carbs are simple carbs which directly mixes with blood and convert into blood sugar. One should avoid bad carbs altogether. Few examples of bad carbs are: White bread, refined pasta, refined dough, pastries.
If you are having trouble losing weight, think about giving a low carb diet a try.
8. You don’t consume enough water

Drinking water can help in weight loss.
In a 12-week trial on weight reduction, participants who drank half a liter water 30 minutes before meals lost 44% more weight than those who did not.
Additionally, it has been found that drinking water increases calorie burn by 24–30% during a 1.5-hour period.
9. It’s harder for you because of a medical problem
Your attempts to lose weight may be hampered by medical conditions such as PCOS, hypothyroidism, and sleep apnea.
Additionally, some drugs, such as steroids, might hinder weight loss or even increase weight. Ask your doctor about your solutions if you believe any of these apply to you.
10. You are addicted to fast food
A 2014 study found that across North America and Europe, 19.9% of people meet the diagnostic criteria for food addiction.
Simply cutting back on your intake or making dietary changes may seem impossible if you believe you have a junk food addiction. Think about getting professional help.
11. You have been on a diet for far too long
Too much time spent on dieting might not be a smart idea. You may need to take a break if you’ve been losing weight for a while and have reached a plateau.
If you want to get stronger and put on more muscle, try eating a few hundred extra calories every day, getting more sleep, and lifting weights. Before you try to lose weight once more, try to maintain your body fat levels for 1 to 2 months.
12. Perhaps you are losing without even knowing it
You shouldn’t worry right away if you believe you are at a weight loss plateau. The scale will frequently remain stationary for several days or even weeks at a time. This does not imply that you are not shedding fat.
A few pounds are regularly lost or gained from the body. Your body’s ability to retain water is largely influenced by the meals you consume, however hormones can also play a significant role (especially in women).
Furthermore, you can shed fat and build muscle at the same time.
This is common if you’ve just started exercising. It is a positive sign too, since you genuinely want to shed body fat.
You probably don’t need to be concerned about anything unless your weight has remained constant for more than 1-2 weeks.
13. You are consuming too much food
It is a misconception that eating numerous little meals throughout the day can increase metabolism and help you lose weight.
According to studies, eating frequently has little to no impact on fat burning or weight loss.
Furthermore, the fact that you have to prepare and consume food all day makes proper nutrition incredibly inconvenient.
On the other hand, intermittent fasting is a powerful weight loss technique, which involves purposefully and strategically going without food for longer periods of time (15–24 hours).
14. You’re not eating mindfully
One of the most effective weight loss strategies in the world is the mindful eating method. It entails taking your time, eating mindfully, appreciating each meal, and paying attention to your body’s natural cues when it has had enough.
Mindful eating has been demonstrated in numerous studies to significantly minimize weight gain and the frequency of binge eating.
Here are some pointers for mindful eating:
• Sit at a table with your food and no other distractions and eat in peace.
• Eat mindfully and gently. Try to pay attention to the tastes, textures, colours, and fragrances.
• Stop eating as soon as you start to feel full.
15. You remain seated all day

You might find it more difficult to lose those troublesome pounds due to your desk job.
When you spend most of your time sitting, your body may lose the ability to identify when you’ve had enough food. As a result, you may overeat and put on weight.
You may maintain your health by taking even small pauses during the day to exercise. Before meetings or your favourite shows, stand up and take three 10-minute walks.
The Conclusion
It’s not always easy to lose weight, and a lot of things might stop you in your tracks. When calorie intake is greater than or equal to calorie expenditure, you run the risk of not losing the weight you want to.
Consider using practices like mindful eating, maintaining food diaries, consuming extra protein, and strength training.
Finally, you need to have patience, commitment, determination, and resilience to transform your weight and lifestyle.
Wishing a mindful weight-loss journey