The thyroid is a bi-lobed gland located in front of the neck, which secretes certain Hormones. These hormones regulate the body’s metabolism by improving the capacity of most body organs to use oxygen. The thyroid gland must therefore release the appropriate amount of hormones—neither less nor more—to maintain health. Simply put, the Thyroid gland has an impact on how your body generates and uses energy. In this article, we will know about 3 very effective Hasta Mudras to Cure Thyroid problems.
Symptoms of underactivity of the Thyroid gland
Below are some signs and symptoms that could be caused by this gland’s underactivity:
• Weight gain
• hair fall
• dry nails
• Chronic fatigue
• Depression
• low blood pressure
• Headache
• swelling on the face
• Muscle aches and stiff joints
• irregular menstrual cycles
• Constipation
• dry skin
• tingling or numbness across the body
Signs of Overactive Thyroid gland
The signs of an overactive thyroid gland are as follows:
• Sudden weight loss
• fast heartbeat
• Anxiety
• weakness and aching muscles
• Loss of memory and lack of focus
• Sweating
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3 Hasta Mudras to cure Thyroid Problems
Although thyroid conditions cannot be cured, they can be managed with the right medication, diet, and lifestyle choices.
Read: 1. Hasta Mudras to Cure Insomnia
2. Yoga pose to cure Thyroid Problems
1. Shunya Mudra
How can the Shunya mudra be used to cure thyroid problems?
The middle finger, which stands for the element of space, makes contact with the thumb (representing the fire element) during the Shunya mudra. It completes an electric circuit to activate the body’s magnetic fields, causing an electrical current to flow and removing the space element (emptiness) from the body. It aids in the treatment of dosha imbalance and alleviates thyroid-related disorders.
Shunya mudra is particularly helpful in cases of hypothyroidism (Underactivity of the Thyroid gland)

How can Shunya Mudra be performed for thyroid problems?
a. You can perform this mudra while sitting, lying down, walking, or standing. However, for the most benefit, a sitting position is advised.
b. Simply sit straight on a yoga mat and perform the shunya mudra.
c. Breathe properly and maintain a loose, flexible posture to allow the body’s energy to circulate freely.
d. You can sit on a chair with a straight back and practice if you have any physical limitations or joint problems.
e. Always thoroughly wash your hands before practicing a mudra, and then rub them together for a minute to warm them up and open the energy pathways.
f. The middle finger should be softly pressed with the thumb. Too much pressure would obstruct the flow of energy.
Once the issue has been resolved, all yoga mudras should be discontinued.
Since thyroid disorders are chronic conditions, aim to shorten the period after seeing a notable improvement. 16 minutes a day, for instance, just for maintenance.
Other Benefits of Shunya Mudra
Shunya mudra has advantages that go beyond thyroid issues. It offers numerous health advantages, including the following:
a. Shunya mudra helps with a variety of ear ailments, including hearing loss, deafness, ear infections, ear aches, and water coming out of the ears.
b. It may lessen tingling or numbness in some body parts and lessen vertigo and motion sickness symptoms.
c. People with mental disabilities may also benefit from it because it lessens the feeling of emptiness in numerous body organs, including the brain.
d. It is helpful in painful, irregular menstrual cycles.
2. Surya Mudra or Agni Mudra
One of the simplest ways to channel the energy of the sun is Surya mudra, also referred to as the fire mudra or the sun mudra. Only a few people are aware that the thyroid hormone directly affects cholesterol levels, blood vessels, and heart health. However, performing the Surya mudra boosts the metabolic activity of the thyroid gland. Thus, by lowering the levels of bad cholesterol, this mudra lowers the risk of heart blockage.
How to Perform Surya Mudra?
The Surya mudra can be done as follows:
a. Sit in the Padmasana position. Ensure that you are sitting on a mat and not the floor.
b. Put your hand on your knees or thighs and allow them to relax.
c. Bend both of your ring fingers putting the tips at the base of your thumb.
d. Ensure that the thumb is pressing the ring fingers’ tips. Keep the other fingers outwardly stretched. Make sure to use your thumb to moderately press down on your ring finger.
e. Practice the mudra with your eyes closed.
The Surya mudra should be done twice a day for about 15-20 minutes, right before meals.
Other Benefits of Surya Mudra
3. Shankh Mudra
The Conch Shell Gesture is another name for the Shankh Mudra. The Shankh mudra purges our bad thoughts, and impurities from our spiritual path, just as a conch, a symbol of auspiciousness, purges negativity. If we focus on the conch shell’s sound, it sounds like the word “OM.” By imitating this mudra and reciting the OM mantra, we can get the advantages of blowing Shankh. The sound of OM in this mudra helps you escape the mental confusion that prevents you from listening to your inner guidance.
To perform this, we make the same heart-centered gesture as when we do Namaste, holding our hands together just below the throat while focusing on the OM chanting echo. The Vishuddhi chakra (Throat chakra), which is the seat of communication and self-expression, vocals, etc., is stimulated by performing this mudra while chanting OM.
How to perform The Shankh Mudra
To perform the Shankh Mudra, adhere to these steps:
a. Roll your shoulders back and stretch your spine while you sit comfortably in Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) on the ground.
b. Face your stomach and place both of your hands in front of the solar plexus chakra.
c. Now encircle the left thumb with the four fingers of the right hand.
d. Keep your left hand’s four fingers straight and pointed up.
e. Slightly roll the thumb that is enclosed.
f. Join the tip of the right thumb and the middle finger of the left hand once the left hand’s fingers are all pointing up.
g. Your hands now resemble a conch shell. Bring your hands to exactly where the breastbone is and hold your fingers in this position.
h. Chant OM in your mind while keeping your eyes closed and concentrating on deep breathing.
After you’ve finished encircling the left thumb, you can try it again by flipping the fingers.
How Shankh Mudra Helps?
The thumb is a representation of the fire element in our bodies, which is subdued by the Shankh mudra when it is surrounded by the fingers of the opposing hand.
The tip of the middle finger on the opposing hand is simultaneously touched by the thumb of the other hand. This contact balances the ether element, which makes more room inside the body for the digestion and assimilation processes.
The human digestive system’s coil is compared to the inner spiral of our palms in the Shankh mudra. Therefore, Shankh mudra is regarded as a helpful exercise to reduce the overactive digestive fire that might result in constipation and stomach ulcers. Additionally, Shankh mudra can be used by people who feel uncomfortable after overdoing the Surya Mudra (which is typically done by people to lose weight).
Time and Duration to perform Shankh Mudra
One can perform this mudra for a few minutes to an hour in a single sitting. However, it is preferable to complete 15 minutes in a single sitting and then to repeat it three times a day, for a total of 45 minutes each day. Even so, someone with allergy symptoms, a fever, or digestive issues may be able to do it for a longer time.
The best time of day to perform the Shankh mudra is in the morning.
Benefits of the Shankh Mudra
a. Because Shankha Mudra activates the Vishuddha chakra, it helps people overcome their fear of speaking in front of others.
b. Shankh Mudra aids in growth and development. The Thyroid gland releases the hormone thyroxine. Therefore it is also in charge of the increase in height.
c. This mudra aids in the treatment of vocal disorders including stuttering and stammering. Moreover, it enhances the larynx’s functionality (voice box).
d. It puts the digestive system on the path to boosting appetite.
e. This mudra improves speech delivery and voice clarity when practiced.
f. While performing this Mudra and reciting OM, you can revitalize 72000 Nadis.
g. Overcomes tonsillitis or other throat infections. Additionally, this mudra is beneficial for allergies that affect the throat.
h. It has a calming and soothing impact on the mind.
Shankh Mudra for Thyroid
Shankh mudra is very helpful for thyroid disorder patients since it involves reciting the meditative sound of OM. Vibration is produced by the vocal cords when OM is chanted in this mudra. The Thyroid gland, which secretes the hormone thyroxine, is stimulated by this vibration. In this method, consistent Shankh mudra practice relieves hypothyroidism.
Disclaimer: Although the benefits of Hasta mudras for thyroid problems seem promising, they may not be a replacement for a thyroid disorder cure. When paired with a good diet, a happy lifestyle, and any medicines that your doctor has recommended, it may be used more like a supplement and will give you the greatest results.
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